Saturday 28 February 2009

I Probably Watch Too Much TV
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Sarah Jessica Parker looked Really Awful at this year's Oscars - please don't ask me why I even watched the Oscars. On TV. With my mum. At around ten p.m., because after the 9 o'clock show we still hadn't had enough TV for the night, and she was doing the ironing for me because I was just too tired and she's just too nice and we needed something to talk nonsense about while she did so.

Hopefully the fact that we didn't finish watching it will help us retain some sort of credibility as people, in your humble opinion.

Jon did finish watching the entire ceremony though. And then he watched Nip/Tuck, which I stopped watching sometime in Season 1 after the son (Matt?) was caught having a threesome by his mother. The pretty blonde lady, Julia.

Sadly, I can recite storylines and remember character names from Channel 8 shows at the drop of a hat.

Here's the gofugyourself link to Sarah Jessica Parker at the Oscars:

I thought she was awful in the Sex and The City movie. But that show, and the movie, isn't really about the actresses, is it?

Everyone knows it's about the clothes.

So what the heck was she thinking when she wore that?!

Wednesday 25 February 2009

X Marks The Spot
Against Jon's wishes, because it's That Time Of The Month, I decided to bring my new running shoes on their maiden run after the 9 o'clock show. Most Unfortunately, I have an awful, sneaking suspicion that there is a family of snails residing in a grassy patch along Dunearn Road which is now missing one member.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Why You Should Just Admit That West Is Best
Jon and I commenced celebrations for our 2nd year anniversary today with a visit to our favourite Korean restaurant, located just up the street from the Not Nice Anymore Fei Siong Bak Chor Mee near Al-Ameen.

Oh skinny auntie who smokes like a chimney, where are you? I want you back, even if it means that I risk having a bowl of bak chor mee with cigarette ash in it.

Anyway, because it was an impromtu decision to go out for dinner tonight I didn't have Tenny (my camera, in case you didn't see my previous posts) with me so there are no photos. The next time we go there I'll bring her along so you can see the good food - they give you lots of appetisers too, in true Korean restaurant style. Frutta la Viva is just a couple of doors away, but we didn't have any today because we were both too full of liquid.

Gloop gloop.

As we were walking to the bus stop I kept telling Jon not to poke me or say silly things so I wouldn't laugh, and the saddest part was that I would then burst out laughing at myself.

Gloop gloop, gloop.

It hurt.

I wonder if I should regret ordering the kimchi soup, because its Awesome Fire Power might very well lead to another Spectacular S**t tomorrow morning - I can already feel my stomach protesting.

But you know, now that I've got less of that gloop gloop feeling, I have to say I think it'll all be worth it.

Friday 20 February 2009

Dog Diggity Dogg

ceadsearc WELOVEJESUS says:
who else

glowie chloeie says:
danny alexis grace (The pink/blond hair girl)
and this really BORING oil rigger guy
michael sarkey or something
dont like him

ceadsearc WELOVEJESUS says:

glowie chloeie says:

ceadsearc WELOVEJESUS says:
ther fat one

glowie chloeie says:
ya the fat one
haha the fat one

Dear Kara and Simon,

As the two American Idol judges whom I have the most respect for, and Randy, because you're pretty cool and you're from a minority race (sorry Paula, you look and talk like you're continually high on something), please let Anoop in as a wildcard. America, and indeed the world, does not need another boring big white guy in the Top 12.

We know the boring big white guys can sing, and I know that you guys, Kara and Simon especially, know what it takes for a Real American Idol to be born. And I also know that you see it in Anoop. Because I do.

Not every American voted for Obama, voted for change. Don't let those who did continue talking about how Anoop didn't get voted in because he's an Asian immigrant.


Judging by the number of people I know who watch The Dreamcatchers, I think Channel 8 did a good job of increasing viewership with The Little Nyonya. Even though the former, currently showing at 9 p.m. weekdays on Channel 8, is sponsored by the EDB, Spring Singapore and the Workforce Development Agency (and Tourism Japan, it appears) and has Really Annoying expositions on the wonders and prestige of the engineering industry. And its perks, of course - like being sent to Japan for overseas training.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

I Heart You Part 2, Also Incorporating West Is Best Part 2

Check out the stingray, chin chow (sugar syrup boiled with pandan!) with fruit cocktail and sambal kangkong. The first and the third led me to have two Spectacular S**ts on Sunday morning, barely one hour apart.

But it was worth it.

Next time you Westies need a colon cleansing, you know where to go - Bukit Timah market

I dare you to say there's no good food in the West.

I was very pleased with my red velvet cupcakes as well - oh the wonders of the vinegar and baking soda trick! - but less pleased with the Wilton silicon heart-shaped pan which Abi brought back from the States for me. Maybe I should be less lazy and cut out little squares of greaseproof next time, I thought the bottom of the hearts were a little too sticky. But I put them back in the oven for a bit, bottom side up, and they were okay after that.

As you can see, also, the hearts didn't really look like hearts, but maybe that was because the batter rose a little too much for them. The round ones, however, turned out perfect.

Jon's card was also really cute - you pulled both sides of it and it opened up. Didn't take a closer picture of it so you can't see the cool effect, but I can show you in person if you wish.

Also see requisite shots from our Singapore River Boat Ride. We wanted to make use of the STB's 2009 promotion, but alas, as reported in the papers today, all 2009 tickets for that ride were apparently snapped up in about 2 hours.

Sometimes I suspect the only reason I like Valentine's Day so much is because I think hearts are really cute. Especially red ones.

The flowers have been in my room for about 4 days now, and they smell delicious.

Friday 13 February 2009

I Heart You
I'd actually written part of this post on Friday afternoon during Media Law, but the class ended before I could finish it properly; now I'm glad that that was so because over the weekend I've changed my perspective on some of the things I was blogging about.

I think I'm a real sucker for girly things, although I adamantly deny it to most, myself included. On Friday Jon and I had a pre-Valentine's Day lunch at McDonald's at Serene Centre where we each had a Mega Beef Propserity Burger. It's not as big as it sounds, and we both think it's real beef (more real than the kind you get in the normal burgers, anyway).

We were walking back to school when he insisted on buying me flowers from the Serene Centre flower shop even though I vehemently protested, but he bought me a bouqet of them and when I saw them I felt my face light up and I think I continued smiling for most of the afternoon. Even though I felt really bad for feeling so happy, because I don't want him to think that he needs to buy me flowers to make me happy or be romantic.

That being said, I think we're both Really Boring People, and sometimes I feel bored - so the flowers were really nice, as was the Mega Prosperity Burger. It's been some time since we've gone out and done nothing together, so I was glad for Valentine's Day, which we spent Doing Nothing. Which I think everyone should do once in a while. Maybe once a week, haha. Or twice.

I'm not bored with our relationship you understand; we turn two this Sunday, and I think we're at that point both in our lives and our relationship where we're transiting (oh that oft-used word!) to the next phase of The Future. But I've found myself wondering at the way I feel. When I was younger I used to dream about having a stable, boring relationship. And now that that dream's coming true, it strikes me that there's no firework-ey sort of feeling, and I don't have any wonderful, great emotions like I thought I would.

But that's life, after all, and in my heart of hearts I'm happy because I know God's preparing my heart for the realities of life and marriage.

It's going to be Boring. And that's what makes it such a lovely and precious thing, because I know that I would rather be Bored with Jon than Un-Bored with anybody else.

I do want to post photos from the weekend but that'll have to wait for the next post because Tenny's (camera) at home.

Monday 9 February 2009

Love Is In The Air
It's the week leading up to Valentine's Day, and the cooking chocolate shelf in Fairprice Finest is already very much diminished.

I had a dream on Saturday night, of Jacky Cheung singing A*Mei's Wo Wu Suo Wei in Cantonese.

I can't even speak Cantonese, but I heard it loud and clear in my dream.

I can't remember any of it now though.

I also saw Felicia Chin at above-mentioned location yesterday. I was momentarily excited, until the auntie weighing fruit asked me why I didn't go get her autograph and I replied So strange she's only about one or two years older than me.

Monday 2 February 2009

What Abi Said

"Wow Chloe. . . You came all the way here to see them the same size as they are on TV!"