Friday 13 February 2009

I Heart You
I'd actually written part of this post on Friday afternoon during Media Law, but the class ended before I could finish it properly; now I'm glad that that was so because over the weekend I've changed my perspective on some of the things I was blogging about.

I think I'm a real sucker for girly things, although I adamantly deny it to most, myself included. On Friday Jon and I had a pre-Valentine's Day lunch at McDonald's at Serene Centre where we each had a Mega Beef Propserity Burger. It's not as big as it sounds, and we both think it's real beef (more real than the kind you get in the normal burgers, anyway).

We were walking back to school when he insisted on buying me flowers from the Serene Centre flower shop even though I vehemently protested, but he bought me a bouqet of them and when I saw them I felt my face light up and I think I continued smiling for most of the afternoon. Even though I felt really bad for feeling so happy, because I don't want him to think that he needs to buy me flowers to make me happy or be romantic.

That being said, I think we're both Really Boring People, and sometimes I feel bored - so the flowers were really nice, as was the Mega Prosperity Burger. It's been some time since we've gone out and done nothing together, so I was glad for Valentine's Day, which we spent Doing Nothing. Which I think everyone should do once in a while. Maybe once a week, haha. Or twice.

I'm not bored with our relationship you understand; we turn two this Sunday, and I think we're at that point both in our lives and our relationship where we're transiting (oh that oft-used word!) to the next phase of The Future. But I've found myself wondering at the way I feel. When I was younger I used to dream about having a stable, boring relationship. And now that that dream's coming true, it strikes me that there's no firework-ey sort of feeling, and I don't have any wonderful, great emotions like I thought I would.

But that's life, after all, and in my heart of hearts I'm happy because I know God's preparing my heart for the realities of life and marriage.

It's going to be Boring. And that's what makes it such a lovely and precious thing, because I know that I would rather be Bored with Jon than Un-Bored with anybody else.

I do want to post photos from the weekend but that'll have to wait for the next post because Tenny's (camera) at home.

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