Friday 20 February 2009

Dog Diggity Dogg

ceadsearc WELOVEJESUS says:
who else

glowie chloeie says:
danny alexis grace (The pink/blond hair girl)
and this really BORING oil rigger guy
michael sarkey or something
dont like him

ceadsearc WELOVEJESUS says:

glowie chloeie says:

ceadsearc WELOVEJESUS says:
ther fat one

glowie chloeie says:
ya the fat one
haha the fat one

Dear Kara and Simon,

As the two American Idol judges whom I have the most respect for, and Randy, because you're pretty cool and you're from a minority race (sorry Paula, you look and talk like you're continually high on something), please let Anoop in as a wildcard. America, and indeed the world, does not need another boring big white guy in the Top 12.

We know the boring big white guys can sing, and I know that you guys, Kara and Simon especially, know what it takes for a Real American Idol to be born. And I also know that you see it in Anoop. Because I do.

Not every American voted for Obama, voted for change. Don't let those who did continue talking about how Anoop didn't get voted in because he's an Asian immigrant.


Judging by the number of people I know who watch The Dreamcatchers, I think Channel 8 did a good job of increasing viewership with The Little Nyonya. Even though the former, currently showing at 9 p.m. weekdays on Channel 8, is sponsored by the EDB, Spring Singapore and the Workforce Development Agency (and Tourism Japan, it appears) and has Really Annoying expositions on the wonders and prestige of the engineering industry. And its perks, of course - like being sent to Japan for overseas training.

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