Saturday 30 December 2006

i've given up trying to put my nice flowery umbrella which lester coerced me to buy back into its nice but really too small flowery cover, i have no idea how whoever packed it in the first place managed to get it all nicely folded and into the silly thing. no point trying to fight for a lost cause, right? but it's a very pretty umbrella nonetheless, pinky and purpley, save for the small clusters of brown flowers - i have no idea why people who make these things feel the need to "balance" out colours.

anyway! i've decided that if i want to be a time person of the year i better start blogging again. hurhur. at least one post before the new year la. it's the eve of new year's eve already.

and i learnt a couple of things over christmas which i thought i'd share.

1. beer still tastes like piss.
it really does. i suppose i'm prepared to make concessions for erdinger and hoegaarden forbidden fruit - still, i'm sorry but beer does taste like piss. i mean not that i've tasted the latter but it tastes like how i think it must taste like. does that make sense. some things you just know, from the smell and the colour. okay this is just getting gross.

2. port and fruit punch mixed is nice.
depending on what kind of fruit punch it is. ours was a mix of pineapple, orange, 7-up and beer. i thought i tasted ginger too. we named it frort. FRuit punch + pORT = frort. jon you're gonna have to get a larger bottle next christmas. it was a lovely colour too, a sort of purplish sunset hue.

3. i like ironing clothes.
i spent most of my morning ironing clothes and folding laundry to appease my mum because i wore her new shoes last night and she's not very happy with me. she wanted to be the first to wear them. you know how women are with clothes. i would've felt the same way so i really can't complain.

4. all men turn out the same and there's nothing i can do about it - i'm never going to find a husband who's going to do housework.
i love my dad, i really do - there are lots of things about him that i would love to have in a husband, like patience, a sense of adventure, Godliness. he turns 52 on monday, new year's day. how many 52 year olds would bring their children to one of the furthest temples at angkor wat in a tuk tuk even though the road there is really terrible and pot-holed?

but oh i was so peeved i wanted to throw the wet dishrag at him just now because he kept lolling about on the sofa and getting in the way of all the nice, clean, ironed clothes. he even unceremoniously dumped the nice clean sweaters on top of the not very nice and clean newspapers on the coffee table to make space for himself so he could stretch out and read the newspapers on that bit of sofa even though there was a whole other stretch of sofa for him to do so!! and i asked him to keep the breakfast things and he did but he left the counter-top all crumby!!! and when i asked him to do all these things and asked him why he was so rude to the laundry i sounded suspiciously like my mother!!!!

i just found his cup with the remnants of this really awful smelling nutri-tea thing he drinks every morning next to the water jugs. as payback for creasing the laundry i'm NOT going to tell him that he left it there (he's probably forgotten) or wash it for him - i'm going to let my mum come back and find it. AM I EVIL OR WHAT. i'll probably end up washing it though. sigh.

5. i'm going to take some time to get over things.
THE RUNS LA. then what thing? my tummy hasn't been the same since i came back from cambodia. i think i had enough coconut milk to last me for a lifetime. good stuff, though, rice and curry. and on the last day of prc camp we went to marina for steamboat and as always, i seriously doubt that half of what i ate was thoroughly cooked.

okay there's a round number and it's getting close to lunchtime and i think i should go clean up before we go out. cambodia pics next post perhaps, if i have enough time next week. below is my favourite picture.

happy 2007 everybody. God bless.

my favourite picture because i look suitably backpackerish, with lonely planet in hand and grubby three-quarter cargo pants, lovely ancient ruins in the background.