Wednesday 6 January 2010

Lessons Learnt
Channel 8 seems to have learnt its lesson after The Little Nyonya - I tuned in to Together just now, and caught what must be Channel 8's cheesiest proposal scene ever.

But at least I had the satisfaction of seeing Jeanette Aw and Dai Yang Tian happy. Rumour has it that this happiness doesn't last till the end of the show though - fingers crossed! Come on Channel 8, you must have learnt your lesson already.

If you didn't watch it, Too Bad. I'm currently watching America's Got Talent with my mother and we're slamming the contestants. Not their performances, but their fakey pre-performance videos, complete with brave blinking away of tears from clear blue/green eyes.

The news of the night is that they've (whoever they are) remixed the London Choco Roll song! They've gotten rid of that weird gymnast ribbon act that accompanied it, and it's been replaced with happy family scenes.

Looks like Channel 8's not the only one who's learnt its lesson.

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