Wednesday 16 September 2009

YAY!!!! :)
I can now sing along to A*mei on my MP3 player happily, because I'm going to be watching her LIVE next Thursday at F1 Rocks Singapore!

Yes, we won the LG competition. The video is still on Facebook, and if you haven't seen it you still can! Follow the link on my profile.

Thank God, and thank you everyone who Commented on/Liked our video - thank you for not deleting me off their list of Facebook friends after I kept updating my status and actually SMS-ing some of you.

And thank you LG. Just in case the person who selected us is reading my blog, haha.

Law school has taught me one useful thing, and that is, to read or at least browse through Terms and Conditions. Most people don't bother anymore, especially with Facebook, because you have to keep agreeing to Terms and Conditions everytime you add a new application, or upload photos, etc.

Well, there was a clause which read that videos which had a higher number of Comments and Likes would have a higher chance of winning.

Now you understand my tenacity in trying to get YOU to make a few clicks.

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