Monday 4 May 2009

The AWARE saga has been blogged about and commented on ad nauseum, and further, because I was there at that Long-Max EGM, for almost all seven hours of melodrama (more than a Channel 8 drama) I therefore feel no qualms telling all who see this (like I've done on Facebook) that they should all Stop Talking About It Already, and get Pet Society - so I can visit more pets for more coins.

Rui told me last night that the Mystery Boxes hold something new everytime you buy one, which has led me to keep buying them just to see what I get. It's Very Exciting, but I need more coins!

So I shall not say anymore about AWARE beyond that this must lead us to think of our own Christian response to matters in an ever-changing world, and that the most frightening thing about it would be if TSM came out of it feeling like she was a Christian martyr. Because she was most definitely not.

In other news, the fact that I am now Unofficially Unemployed has given me the freedom to watch Bad Local TV. Gary Beh (go on, say his name many many times in quick succession, it'll sound like a bad word. Very fun! I'm surprised he hasn't strangled me yet for doing that everytime I see him) induced me to watch The S Factor yesterday, and it sucks even more than Red Thread. Which is saying alot. I've been gleefully paraphrasing and repeating some of the best lines from the latter to people I've met all week.

Celest Chong: Today, I did a terrible thing.
Friend: What?
CC: I rejected a nice guy...
F: Why?
CC: Because, I'm damaged inside.
F: You know... The Japanese use gold to aggrandize the cracks in damaged objects.
Mother and me: Who talks like that nowadays?

Kong Wah (played by that old, slack teacher on First Class): Li-ann is like my flesh and blood - and if you hurt her, I will destroy you (to Alex Sung, played by Adrian Pang).

Shades of Masters of the Sea and that infamous cockroach line, anyone?

Alex Sung: Mr Kong, don't you think you're mixing the personal with the public here?
KW: I AM KONG HOLDINGS. EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL (you could see the capitals when he delivered those lines).

That being said, I'd probably watch it again this week, if not for the fact that I have various dinner outings planned.

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