Tuesday 18 November 2008

Of Exams
One of the library staff members looks like my mum. She has the same kind of thick black hair, cut in a fringe, and is always decently dressed. By that I mean that she never dresses up, but she looks presentable. Jeans, a polo shirt maybe. A kind face, black eyes.

This morning she and another staff member were decorating the notice-board at the library foyer, for Christmas. They decorate it for all the major festivals, Hari Raya they had ketupat shapes in shiny green and yellow ribbon; Deepavali saw flames cut out of construction paper.

Right at the turnstiles where you have to tap your matriculation card to enter the library, there's a yellow and red sign which reads: CAUTION! You are entering a quiet work zone. Students studying for exams.

Every night, 15 minutes before the library closes, one of the librarians will announce this fact and that they're going to turn off the lights in 5 minutes. Recently they've added, the library staff wish all students all the best in their exams. Really Annoying muzak will then begin playing, I can hum it. There's this part with awful, fake trumpet sounds which I absolutely loved to try and annoy Jon with by attempting - and failing - to replicate it, very loudly, on our late night walks down Bukit Timah Campus Mountain.

Last Thursday when I came out of the school showers, and one of the librarians was there. She was going to meet her friend and they were going to the gym together. Probably one of those ladies ones, where middle-aged women go to escape their lazy husbands and housework.

It must be nice to be a librarian.

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