Thursday 28 February 2008

two halves make a whole
jolie said to me yesterday that when we speak in chinese the locals only understand half of what we're saying, and when they're speaking chinese we only understand half of what they're saying. i shrugged and told her that two halves make one whole, anyway.

jon suggested that in the future, i shall speak to our children in chinese and he shall speak to them in english. because children learn better when their parents, and not just their chinese teachers in school, speak chinese to them. we're both living testament to that.

some people, really.

today i bought strawberries which i think were overripe. they were soft by the time i got back from school, but i managed to salvage a fair amount. they were sweet and firm and would have made a very nice jam, if i had the equipment necessary for jam making. time to get more pots and pans, i think. i hope to start cooking by next week.

there was supposed to be a sand storm today, but it didn't happen.

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