Thursday 28 February 2008

according to enid blyton, that's the sound turtles make: they hiss.

jinni and i were deciding whether to eat dinner at this chinese restaurant, and in the end we settled for kfc and subway respectively. however, the menu of aforementioned chinese restaurant listed a steamed turtle dish, and there was a picture of a turtle on a platter, head and all, garnished with spring onions and chilis and various other things.

also, jolie and i have decided to take selected cases: wto dispute settlement, for me because it's taught in english and chinese and for both of us because the course outline states that we will be looking at, amongst other things, 汽油规则案 (gasoline rule), 海龟-海虾案 (shrimp-turtle), 荷尔蒙牛肉案 (hormone beef), 香蕉案 (banana case), 飞机案 (airplane case) 等有的案件已经成为国际,国内模拟法庭竞赛的原型 (they have become issues for local and international moot competitions).

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