Wednesday 5 December 2007

cake! and other things, on this rainy day

there, as promised. sand cake. doesn't it look absolutely lovely? don't you want to pay me to bake one just like it for you? my email address is on the right.

but christmas is the season for giving after all, so be nice and you might just get some, compliments of the cook.

i suppose it's alright to hoard things, if only because you get to chance across them whilst cleaning up many years later and they make you shout with laughter at how seriously we took ourselves before. although for me it was more like i was sneezing with laughter, what with the dust and the cold weather. which is the best kind of weather to do spring-cleaning in, anyhow.

i'm pretty sure the person who wrote the following won't be reading this, and will probably never do so, so it's safe to put it up:

(and even if he does i don't think he'll remember writing it. all spelling and punctuation is original)

dear chloe,
i feel kinda bad telling this to you but i think i must if not it won't be right. that night when u asked me if i felt sad or was crying, though i wasn't i felt something else. i didn't want to tell you then, neither do i want to tell you now but i will. i felt disappointed. not at you but at myself. because you didn't trust me (at this juncture he drew a smiley face =) which he proceeded to CANCEL OUT! but even if he'd blanco-ed it i guess i would've turned the paper over to see what he'd written) i kept on telling you but you kept on denying. just like peter who denied Jesus 3 times. now i know how it kinda felt. but it's okay, i forgive you. pls don't break down and cry over this. it aint worth it.

i couldn't stop laughing when i read that. it goes on for a bit more, and i really want to put the rest of it up but not very nice, lah. it's not from an ex-boyfriend or anything, but from a really, really good friend i had. i found a stack of letters from him in a disused drawer which i hadn't opened in the longest time. the letter was written when i was 14 and he was 15 and there were complications in the friendship i.e. you like me i like you that kind of nonsense. which ruined it, and it only got back on track when i was 15 and he was 16 (i even tried to hook him up with one of my friends!) and then it fell apart for good when i was 17.

sadly enough, the letter above ended with:

even if we don't go together (not saying i want to =p), u'll always be a special friend.
frens come, frens go, some return some don't but the memories will always be cherished...

that aside, we really were very tight before jc happened to me. and he stuck it out through some pretty awful times in my life. i will always remember the happy meal he bought me one sad, sad saturday.

we made contact briefly over facebook when i was interning (go figure) and i remember telling him he really didn't need the money he was getting from his internship - a four-figure sum per month, compared to the $100 a week i was getting at my internship.

remember when you were a kid, and you saw models in advertisments and idolised local celebrities? okay maybe i was one of the few misguided ones who did the latter. but i'm sure you remember growing up with channel eight serials at the very least - the seven o'clock and nine o'clock shows?

the point is, i think you know you're Getting Older not only when you start discussing paychecks with people you grew up with, but you can point at models in advertisements and actors on local television and say hey didn't/doesn't that person go to school with me? or hey isn't that person my senior/junior from _____?

oh and by the way, i was kidding about it being alright to hoard things. if it's not useful it won't be allowed in the house. you know who you are, and you have been warned. or else i won't iron your shirts.

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