Tuesday 9 January 2007

dinner time conversations - what do YOU talk about during dinner?

father: you know all the chocolate in the fridge right? the one you get from the people in the church choir? (yes, for some strange reason, old people like to give out lots of chocolate as christmas presents and for miscellaneous occasions you know?)
me: yes?
father: can i eat it?
me: go ahead and eat it all la! it doesn't matter really. just eat!
father: why? why you don't want? it's quite nice what! good stuff! (it really is good stuff. when old people give you chocolate they really give you chocolate. belgian made, swiss made - uk made. it's not dark enough for me though. i used to get really natty if my dad ate my chocolate without asking but since the whole health drive thing i WANT him to eat it haha.)
me: (to self) doesn't that mean you've already eaten it without asking me??
father: what?
me: aiya because it's fattening what. you just eat it all up ok?

i love being able to depend on my dad to consume all the calories i'd rather not consume myself. i used to be able to depend on my brother but now he's decided he needs to lose weight (jc next year what, got girls) and anyway when you're older you should enjoy life and consume sweet things.

father to mother: you want some?
mother: no. i resolve to eat healthily until chinese new year. that's when all the unhealthy food starts making appearances, like bak kwa, chocolate, you know? but i think i'm going to succumb to bee cheng hiang soon. (she has to pass all these foodie places in amoy street to get to her parent facilitator class on thursdays) everytime i walk down amoy street i feel i HAVE to buy something. like those oishi curry puffs last thursday?
me: ah, yes, nice curry puffs.
mother: yes! so terrible! i ate four of the six i bought (she's really going to kill me for letting on in such a public space) and the other day daddy made me eat the cornetto he appropriated from the poly! (they were giving out free cornettos during poly open house)
me: oh dear! why did you eat four? didn't daddy eat any?

at this point my father looks shocked that we didn't tell him about the curry puffs. he can really be depended on for consuming all these extra calories. and he's still really skinny anyway.

mother: he wasn't around la. and the day i bought them i ate two, you ate one and grandma ate one so there were two left, resident in the fridge. i decided i had to get rid of their citizenship.
me: .....................................

my mother is a firm believer of buying things in bulk/on offer so our fridge is quite stuffed to its gills. there's an unspoken rule at home that whatever food that's been cooked or brought home should be eaten asap to create storage space.

we've just changed the lights in our living room, and we (in particular, my mother and i) get immense pleasure just from flicking the light switch. we've been in partial darkness during dinnertime for so long, it's nice to finally be able to READ while eating at night.

and today i talked to one of my favouritest favouritest people in the whole wide entire world.

thanks quen (: this picture was taken on his macbook at the botanic gardens after he played mr simon cower for my mock trial last sem.

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