Friday 23 December 2011

The day before yesterday was P's last day. I had two Jaegerbombs in his honour, which marked the first time Red Bull crossed my lips (and it turns out Red Bull doesn't just give you wings, it gives you nightmares as well).

For some reason, I woke up in the morning thinking of the the time at a subway station in Beijing when we had an argument, or a heated discussion about something or other. I remember getting so frustrated and exasperated that I squatted down in the midst of the mass of people there at the time, and put my hands over my ears until the train came.

It was winter turning to spring, if my memory serves me correctly.

That was in 2008.

At the risk of sounding drama mama and having Jon chastise me for being emo about nothing at all, I feel like I've come to the end of an era. It's a bit like the feeling I had when I graduated from JC. Suddenly the common ground you had, took for granted, is gone - and where does that leave your friendship?

Perhaps I'm just thinking too much, because at dinner last night we had a ball of a time and the conversation didn't even centre around work that much.

Till the next TBC outing, bye P - may God bless you and J and keep the both of you safe.

1 comment:

jolie. said...

chloeee... i suddenly came to your blog after more than a year i think... and read (the few) entries there are haha. i miss you. and i miss us in school... when we could sit around drinking tea in the canteen and do close to nothing at all... it's been so long! we really have to do lunch soon.