Tuesday 2 February 2010

Mandopop Madness
If you've read Monday's papers (yes, I actually read the local newspapers!) then you'd have read all John Lui (or was it Boon Chan?) had to say about the A*mei (I refuse to call her Amit until I really, really have to) concert.

I hate to say this, but I did agree with the part where he wrote about wishing for a pair of earplugs at certain points. However, other than that, it was

Absolutely AWESOME!

I hope she comes back as A*mei proper the next time. But you know, I've come to know and love her voice and the magic she brings to her songs so well that all the rock stuff didn't matter. She was just good old A*mei, the one who brought much comfort and colour to my lonely days in Beijing.

Some of the highlights included the entire Indoor Stadium yelling "IT'S BULLSH*T!" at the top of their lungs to 黑吃黑, and seeing all those lightsticks winking in the dark. Also finding out that Jon had actually set his alarm for 10 a.m. the day SISTIC opened ticket sales, just so we could get good seats - which we did.

Touching stuff.

And seeing Chin Yuan, who brought his mother to the concert. He, who never expected, knowing me in JC, that I'd one day be SMS-ing him excitedly about an A*mei concert, of all things.

I'm really glad I was introduced to this whole new world though. It's brought so much to my life.

Not least, discovering my inner Ah Lian.

Mind you, I did not know all the lyrics to her fast songs.

Some I knew lah. But, I repeat, not all.

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