Wednesday 9 December 2009

Family Ties
PoBe's prom was last night, and because he's in Hong Kong with our parents (oh, woe is me and the need for those 180 days), I just commented on his Facebook wall that the choker he wore was uggs maximus and that I wish I'd been at home to tell him to take it off.


I really don't like chokers on boys. It seems so wrong somehow.

Don't you wish you were an older sister, old enough to be mean and getting away with it?

Kudos to JC kids who don't bother to restrict their Facebook profiles. Or maybe they're still at an age where they want their lives to be subject to voyeurism. But that's just weird, don't you think? However, I used to be like that once.

It struck me how very young they all looked. And when I look at photos of my prom, I just see old people. Weird. I wonder if he sees old people too, when he looks at his prom pictures.

Today D informed me that the Khong Guan biscuits which are round with the frilly edges have a peanut cream filling, thus resolving the mystery and saving me some calories in the process.

I discovered they've got the plain square ones! Maybe it's time to get some cheese.

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