Saturday 19 December 2009

Email of the Week, or Much Good Part 2
From J (ah, which J, wouldn't you like to know), after lunch on Friday:

I need help!
How do I view the New Msg on my phone ????
Which button to press ah hahah

I didn't know the answer to his query, and the fellow suffering pupil (trainee? What are we now called?) sitting opposite me told me the wrong thing.

It took us some trial and error on those dang-blasted office phones before I was finally able to ring J back with the correct answer.

Yes, me and fellow suffering pupil sitting opposite me actually left each other call-backs.

In other news, I bought Jon's Christmas present today and gave it to him just now so he can use it at work on Monday. He'd wanted to buy it on Friday, after seeing someone in his office use one, but I told him I'd just get it for him for Christmas.

It's a multi-colour pen with a mechanical pencil (perfect for marking-up, as he said). Quite cool, really. Because I bought refills, the lady at the stationery shop asked me if it was for a gift. When I said yes she gave me a silver box with Zebra on to put it all in. She even wanted to wrap it in pretty paper, which had a teddy bear-flower-heart print. I kid you not.

Must have been my look-like-student face.

I said in Mandarin: it's for a boy, no need lah.

I think she found me quite amusing.

Don't believe what you hear about posh lunches, dinners and expensive presents. I told you lawyers were deathly boring, practical people.

Some of whom can't even operate their office phones.

Hey, not me yah. I already know how to operate it okay.

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