Sunday 17 May 2009

So Far Away

Never did we expect that one of the destinations for our local grad trip would be a factory in Ubi, because there's a tailor there. Let me know if you need the address. Jon and I actually took the MRT to Eunos, and once the bus from the MRT headed into the Greater Ubi Area, it really felt like we weren't in Singapore anymore.

In fact, it felt a bit like a village centre in Shaanxi province which I visited last year.

(That isn't the factory we went to. But when you travel, you've got to take pictures at 'special places.' You know.)

Zhiwei told us yesterday that his girlfriend's father isn't letting her go up for our day trip to Malacca after all because of swine flu.

I told him it was okay, because there are places in Singapore that don't feel like Singapore at all, anyway.

My mother entered a gardening phase a few months ago, which explains the mini-jungle right beside my bedroom windows. It'd be quite cool, if not for the fact that the ants which populated the leaves of the papaya plant liked to use my windows as a sort of pedestrian crossing, and there was a bird's nest a little too close to my bedroom wall for comfort. And, to top things off, today I found a Very, Very Furry, Rather Long Caterpillar Cocoon in the place where the headboard of my bed touches the wall, meaning that he (she?) took the liberty of crawling all the way across my headboard. And there was another one in the window sill.


I whinged my father into removing both of them, which he did - and then he said, Wasn't that cool? City-dwellers don't often get to see wildlife so close to them!

We also proceeded to chop down parts of the papaya plant and remove the bird's nest, which is why I wrote the above paragraph in past tense. No more will those pesky ants use my windows as a pedestrian crossing.

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