Monday 30 March 2009

Any Other Way
I've just uploaded my Media Law paper, and when I wake up later this morning I will gather all the material I've amassed in the past couple of weeks on Freedom of Speech (yes, you know it deserves those capitals) in Singapore under the reign of the good ol' PAP and shove it on top of my IP notes from last semester until my exams end and I have to clean up my room because Jon's exams finish 5 days after mine.

Yax pointed out to me on Saturday that we've got about 3 more weeks of cai fan at student prices at The Summit, on top of Bukit Timah Campus Mountain. And we had the Collegiate Dinner on Friday, where the food was awesome and that was pretty much about it.

But I'm feeling nostalgic and a little sad. Although I think I hold to what I've said before, that I'm looking forward to graduating and getting on with my life. Still, I'm going to miss being a student. Not a law student really, just a student.

Everytime I go back to KR - the Central Library, specifically - I look at the neverending shelves of books and wonder at all the things I don't know, might never know, might never have the chance to know. I wonder if I'd have read beyond the required readings if I'd done an Arts degree and was constantly in the library running between the RBR section and the photocopying room.

Probably not, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Yet I feel wistful thinking of how it's almost time for me to give up my membership to the NUS libraries, almost time to give up cheap and good food, sleeping in and cutting class when I feel like it, watching brainless daytime TV like Martha and Everyday Food and My Parents' House.

I wonder how I'd have turned out if I'd stayed in hall, been involved in all the typical freshmen activities: rag and flag, painting banners and constructing floats and being a part of a hall production.

These little tinges of regret for all the things I never did and will now never have the chance to do; for the things I can do and might not have much chance to do, in the near future.

Again, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

This is a picture of Jon and I outside LT 15 where all our lectures were held when we were in Year 1, taken as he walked me to the bus stop after I decided to leave the Collegiate Dinner early, by a PRC student getting ready to Skype, probably with someone back in China.

It's an apt place, I think, with the dearest person to me in the whole wide world.

And it probably best sums up what I shall miss about NUS.

University life looks like it's going to end without any fireworks.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

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