Friday 23 January 2009

Time Of Your Life
Guess you know something's changed when one of your mother's main gripes about the current 9 o'clock show about a group of heartlanders is that It's not very realistic. She says that everytime Wang Yuqing's kind and good-natured but rather hapless husband character says Suan le, suan le (forget it, forget it) to Very Important Matters, she wants to strangle him - and this, apparently, is what most women Would Do. Chen Liping's wife character usually accepts it without much fuss. Even if his siblings on the show are Blatanly Taking Advantage of their good natures.

Contrast this to her reaction to The Little Nyonya's ending: Too realistic lah. I can't remember the show fondly.

Embarrassingly enough, I've been feeling that it was rather a waste, and I do have some feelings of regret, that Chen Xi and Yueniang didn't get married after all.

I filled a page in my journal with things about myself when I was thirteen, and I boldly wrote What I Am, What I'll Always Be across the top. Some of my top music choices were Green Day's Time Of Your Life and most of Sugar Ray's 14:59 album. Travis, Third Eye Blind - that kind of song, you know?

Of course at thirteen I thought I'd be into Emo-Alternative-I-Understand-So-Much-About-Life-and-It's-Reflected-In-My-Music-kind of music, forever.

Guess something's changed, because my current favourite song is a Chinese song about a decomposing backpack (that's a literal translation) trying to masquerade as a love song. I love using its chorus to give my lungs a good airing at random intervals.

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