Wednesday 12 November 2008

Do You Remember?
This morning, I encountered a group of MGS girls on the bus. They weren't the terribly annoying kind who result in you making all sorts of unfair stereotypical assumptions about kids from 'elite' schools as you get off the bus. They were about as annoying as I probably was at that age, making a little too much noise, but still at a tolerable level. Better yet, they were talking about nice, normal school girl things that I believe all girls that age talk about, regardless of how much money your family has.

And I felt Horribly Old and Boring.

It's never the rich spoilt brats I encounter who make me feel old and boring - well, they do, but in a different way. In a dismissive, You Ought To Grow Up Or Be Given a Good Spanking sort of way. It's the normal, nice kids who aren't too good at hiding the insecurities brought on by puberty who make me feel like I want to be 16 again. Not that life was terribly exciting, and in fact, it was pretty terrible. Maybe that's why. No regrets, but sometimes I do wonder what it would have been like if I'd chosen differently then.

Although I probably wouldn't have been able to.

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