Monday 4 August 2008

cheep cheep tweet
abi and i took ourselves to the bird park last thursday because we had nothing else to do, and one of the first things you will see is an entire row of talking birds. next to their cages are signs which tell you what their names are and what they say.

but, try talking to them and those little buggers, flitting about merrily in their cages just a moment before, will suddenly go all still and shut their eyes.

which smacks suspiciously of those people the even more annoying stomp vigilantes persist in uploading photos of, who pretend to be sleeping whenever someone the signs dictate you should give up your seat to enters the train.

neither of us brought a camera so there will be no everlasting pictures of birds - however, you get a 20% discount on entrance fees with a citibank card, and you can redeem an adult ticket for a pearl when you leave.

in other news, it appears that the only house displaying a singapore flag on our street belongs to that of the Minister-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. someone in my family also pointed out that the Very Bored policeman guarding his house probably put it up for him.

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