Saturday 7 June 2008

my parents and brother are stuck at the hong kong international airport because their flight from beijing got delayed; i came online to check out why but didn't get any answers. seems the flights coming in and out of beijing recently have been delayed, anyhow. they've been using the weather as an excuse, so i've heard - maybe it's foggy and cloudy way up there, although the actual rainfall in beijing has been apologetic, a token amount to make up for the lack of sun and the resulting chill.

and although my mother is still Rather Naggy, my father still Rather Dogmatic and my brother Rather Lame, i miss them already, and couldn't help but tear as their taxi pulled away from their hotel.

i can only imagine the earful she must be giving the airport staff in hong kong now. haha! oh mummy, what will i do with or without you.

i chanced across this picture though:

for a moment i couldn't for the life of me remember which year this was. and actually, i still can't. i think it was quentin's 19th birthday, or it might have been his 20th.

on that note, we met the man who made my brother's 中软 (zhong1 ruan3) so he could purchase another one. this man smoked like a chimney, as do so many of the mainland chinese men, and when my mother asked him why he would, he held out the hand where two fingers grasped his cigarette. making his hand go all wobbly and trembly, he said very matter of factly that people who smoked weren't as prone to alzheimer's, and did we ever see people who smoked with trembling hands (and by that extension, being forgetful?)?

she came up with the perfect retort later that night.

you never see smokers with alzheimer's because a great many of them don't live that long!

alright, not funny, and not necessarily true. but i'm 22 this year and i can't remember when it was that we celebrated quents' birthday at the food court in the botanic gardens. i do remember that amanda made a white chocolate cheesecake and there were strawberries on it. and in it. see, that's not so bad, right?

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