Thursday 8 May 2008

not porridge
my chicken and rice bake turned out pretty nice, though i think i added just a teensy bit too much salt. but no matter. it also called for long grain wild rice, but i used random generic grown-in-china-first-type-i-saw rice and it turned out okay too. just in case you're interested, because it IS a one-pot meal after all, here's the link to the full recipe (click the words full recipe).

i greatly reduced the amount of all the ingredients; also, obviously, i was too giam to buy sour cream, parmesan cheese and olive oil at expat prices, and where in the world would i find chicken long grain wild rice mix in beijing? it'd have been hard enough (not to mention Extremely Expensive) back in singapore anyway.

i also used fresh broccoli.

so i just used as little butter as i thought wise to prevent the onions from burning and added that teensy bit too much salt to make up for the lack of whatever else they required.

there's also enough for lunch tomorrow. this is how i cook in beijing, two meals at once.

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