Tuesday 6 May 2008

i hear bluebirds
well actually, no, i don't. i have no idea what species of bird it is that i hear singing.

but that was a very springtime thing to say.

now that the weather in beijing has finally decided to stay warm and properly spring-like, school isn't such a drag anymore - i don't dread having to use the toilet because it's Too Cold, and i don't have to keep taking my coat on and off. yes, in case you were wondering, i had to keep it on during classes.

in fact, i just collected my scarf and coat from the dry cleaners' today, and i can't wait to give it to my parents to take home to singapore when they come at the end of may (that rhymes).

on second thought, maybe it's so warm now because it's summer!

evenings see old people and small children throng the park downstairs, the latter sometimes with an ice cream in hand. they run about with happy smiles, and they also pee on the foot reflexology path.

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