Thursday 15 May 2008

constant vigilance
was mad-eye moody's supposed catch phrase, but that didn't stop him from eventually being killed in harry potter and the deathly hallows.

paul told us that after hearing about how the earthquake in sichuan might affect beijing, shangren packed a bag with all his important documents (and clothes and other things, i think) and placed it at a strategic location in their house, where he could pick it up in an instant and escape to safety if the need ever arose.

that, along with the email the law exchange team sent us to check that we were all right seemed funny at the time, but last night i was reading news and looking at pictures of the aftermath of the earthquake, and suddenly it wasn't so funny anymore; just really, really sad. and there was also the fact that there were students in our school whose families had been affected, we heard that someone's house had collapsed, and jinni said the students from sichuan running the charity donation drive in school for the red cross had red eyes, most likely from crying.

i'm sure there are people in beijing who've lost family members and friends and can't go home.

here, we're a little over a thousand five hundred miles from where the earthquake occurred but everything, after all, happened in the same country. it's kinda like you're staying in pasir ris and a block of hdb flats collapses in jurong, i.e. a totally unimaginable scenario to singaporeans.

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