Thursday 3 April 2008

i ought to have mentioned this earlier, but better late than never:

a few afternoons ago (yes, when the sun's supposed to be shining merrily and you're supposed to be feeling warmer, even in this cold beijing spring) xiaoyun and i were sitting in the living room, slowly but surely freezing to death, when i pointed to the huge white contraption in the corner of our living room and said, hey, isn't that a heater?!

surprise, surprise. it was right there in front of us and we never even bothered examining it carefully.

it has a poster with pictures and names of different animals and fruits and things stuck on its front; and on top of it, as if in tribute to the god of warm air, is a bowl of dusty, pink silk flowers.

it works beautifully, though the first time we turned it on i kept telling xiaoyun i smelt burning plastic. we were also afraid to leave it on through the night - but desperate times call for desperate measures, and the burning smell seems to have disappeared along with our fears of our entire block getting blown up by an exploding heater.

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