Friday 7 March 2008

swing swing
i'd intended the first (and last) exchange picture on my blog to be one of my room in its lived in state, but neither jolie nor jinni have taken a picture of it yet. and, since jinni and xiaoyun are out and cammie is not with me - yes, i didn't bring a camera - i can't take a picture of it now. so that will have to wait.

the above picture is of me on a swing in the school courtyard, snagged from jolie's flickr site. i was supposed to have a distant dreamy look on my face so i wouldn't ruin jolie's collection of artistic shots, but i couldn't bring myself to look like a right old prat. i would've, you know, if i'd actually held the pose long enough. just before i saw her finger press the button i grinned widely.

i went running with shangren this morning, one big round along the surrounding roads, even though they're thinking of cancelling the marathon at this year's olympics because they don't want the athlethes to breathe in all the polluted air.

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