Tuesday 18 March 2008

today when i woke up the sky was a funny colour, because the sandstorm which was supposed to happen when we first arrived, and the week before this, finally happened. there were strong winds, i could hear them whistling through the trees in the classroom, and when i was outside i couldn't walk properly.

however, before my class started today i walked across the road to buy 珍珠奶茶 (zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2), undeterred by the fact that the air was rather a golden colour.

jinni thinks i should be hired as the brand's spokesperson.

on the ground floor, once you come out of the lift, there is a board. on this board are lots and lots of numbers, and once you're running low on electricity your unit number gets posted there. we buy electricity in blocks, and before we remembered that we were finishing up the previous tenant's electricity before starting on the block we purchased, we were not amused to see 1109 written there for all the world to see.

maybe the pub should think of doing something like that, it saves a lot of paper and manpower.

the first time we went for ktv in china i was introduced to s.h.e.'s superstar. since kuek foo sent me a link with the lyrics and mp3 i've been singing it, much to the annoyance of my housemates and jolie.

part of the chorus goes:
you are my superstar

jon thinks courts should adapt the song for their purposes:
you are my superstore

i can only love you, you are my superstore.


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA. superstore indeed. talk to u on msn sooN!

Anonymous said...

dearie! i emailed you! go check your hotmail acc! :) hope you received it!! Have a blessed weekend! love loads, andrea