Friday 15 February 2008

mary, mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
with silver bells and cockle shells and teddy bears all in a row!

i had a very enjoyable valentine's day with adele. after unearthing nice things on sale as we traipsed around marina square and millenia walk (some items which, of course, we purchased) we sat ourselves down on a bench outside topshop at marina and proceeded to people watch.

here are our three definite no-no's for valentine's day.

1. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR BOYFRIEND TO CARRY YOUR HANDBAG. neither should you, if you're a guy, offer to carry your girlfriend's bag. many people have said this many times, and besides it being utterly and totally emasculating, a girl's bag is her best friend! imagine having to reach over and/or ask for your bag from your boyfriend everytime you needed a tissue! (some girls seem to need a tissue for everything)

or, worst of all, not being able to conveniently answer smses from your kaypoh girlfriends or have a frantic omg i am such a dork emergency sms exchange with said kaypoh girlfriends, should you happen to commit some terrible, whether real or imagined faux pas while on the date. which, as any girl should know, is perhaps the best way to soothe frazzled nerves.

and what if he carries your bag in such a haphazard fashion - or drops it, even - and causes the tub of lip gloss in it to crack and your expensive foundation to leak and dirty the inside of your bag? or, horror of horrors, your trusty only-can-find-once at pasar malam mirror which you carry everywhere breaks?

not that i carry any make-up around (much less use it), but you can imagine.

of course, for me, maybe it's a different story. jon will first drink up all the water in my water bottle, and then he said he might very well run off with my bag because he wants (not needs) some new music thing.

(i assume he was kidding)

2. no matching clothes, please. and if you really must, please don't get them in bright red. the colour might signify love and passion but it's just gross.

lastly, and we both felt this should take the cake -
3. don't get your girlfriend teddy bear bouquets. adele reasons that you can't throw dusty teddy bears away like you do dead flowers. i don't agree with that, because i'm sure there are girls who do so. . . but personally i wouldn't be able to. the thought of something which looks life-like and like it has feelings - eyes, a nose, ears, a mouth - being crushed and then incinerated makes me feel queasy. and the poor teddy has to suffer the indignity of being attached to a long stick.

damn poor thing.

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