Tuesday 30 October 2007

大家总是跟我发牢骚,说他们觉得他们读的东西非常不有趣。我跟他们讲,至少你们读的都是英语, ok? 你们不要 complain 了可以吗?给我一点同情心吧。show me some love and compassion please. 谢谢你们的爱心和关怀。我想蓉珍看了这个 post 会骂我华文真的是很差劲,应该多多读。



Anonymous said...

Aww poor Xiao Li! *pats head* Here's some love and compassion for you! *hugs*

Ni de hua wen mei you na me zao la! Bu yao luan jiang hua! Wo xiang xin ru guo ni XIAN ZAI duo kan dian hua wen shu, hua wen yi ding hui zing bu de! :)

Sorry lazy to change to Chinese lah. :)

jolie. said...

eh thats not bad wat! blog more in chinese heh, although i know its painful :P
hugs. we'll all do ok and go to china together!