Monday 25 June 2007

GOING TO AUSTRALIA IN ABOUT 12 HOURS WOOHOO! NO MORE INTERSHIPS! and i'm gonna be talking nonsense with stella and abi for the next five days.

AND. jon i've got your ic number, you already verbally OFFERED to run ahm when you get back from the states and i ACCEPTED and by giving me your ic number that was CONSIDERATION. maybe i should make you pass me the fees. . . but whatever it is there's a valid contract. i'm signing US up when i get back from australia. becauase you said so, at the very beginning. please everyone remind him that his paunch is getting big enough to warrant a separate passport when he travels.

hopefully there'll be updates and photos cause turtle'll be away (yeah right, i'm how lazy. plus my name is not chang yalan and i do not photo-whore in foreign countries, i take pictures of SCENERY which no one likes to look at).

ok if you want krispy kremes just sms me. mag and yalan have entreated me to buy back one box, as has spoon. personally i think they're too sweet for anyone's good.


Anonymous said...

HEY! I totally DON'T photowhore in foreign countries too! DEFAMATION! SLANDER! LIBEL!

Yay Krispy Kreme. I want to try since everyone says it's good. Haha!

You SO have to photowhore in a foreign country cos that's like, so totally fun, like totally. Not that I'd know, but it's totally fun.

Are you going to be getting internet connection in aus?

stella said...

i can still hear chloe saying "Stairlaaarrhhhh"