Thursday 17 May 2007

i love mysteries. when i have time i should really get down to reading all the agatha christies. anyhow, last night we went to lester's and we played the orient express! i think i like watching people solve the mystery a lot better than i actually like playing the game myself - i was simply dying to flip over the reconstruction card. especially since i'd had a rather long day chained to my computer -

the following conversation ensued in the car on the way home last night.

liz: oh chloe! you stay near valentino's! have you been there? (valentino's is this terribly expensive but "cosy homey oh so wonderful" italian restaurant, i'm SURE you've read about it in the papers. it's andrea de cruz' and pierre png's favourite restaurant)
chloe: no, it's too expensive
liz: oh but it's alright, you can bring your mum or your boyfriend or something you know, just once.
yonghong: HAHAHAHA! her boyfriend!! HAHAHA!
chloe: HAHAHA!! i have nothing, nothing, NOTHING (if i don't have you).
liz: what? what?
yonghong: she'll end up paying for her boyfriend lor. or they'll both end up washing dishes!! haha! and that's quite romantic what. she'll be like, jon, i have a soapsud in my eye.
chloe: yes, can you please take it out for me? oh! now i have MORE soapsuds in my eye because YOUR hands were soapy!

and the future of the legal service is in our hands.

i came to work extra early this morning so i could get my bsf homework done, and i picked up a cheese pancake and soyabean milk from jollibean at the arcade (opposite republic plaza, next to clifford centre). for $1.90 you get a regular douhua and pancake of your choice and for $2.00 you get an upsize douhua and pancake of your choice. the nice aunties tried to convince me to buy the $2.00 one but i told them i couldn't drink too much douhua or it would start coming out of my ears.

bu neng he tai duo, he tai duo hui cong er duo chu lai.

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