Monday 21 May 2007

because it rained this monday morning, rainy days and mondays is currently playing in my head. please don't try to bluff me that you didn't think of the song, first thing, when you woke up to the drizzle.

they don't get me down though, rainy days. mondays do sometimes. like this monday. i opened my wardrobe to pick out what to wear to work this morning, and felt a sense of doom. i just wanted to get back into my t-shirt and shorts and go back to sleep.

not because i didn't want to come to work, you understand, but because i'd just finished ironing all of last weeks' washing last night, and i realised i had to wear it all again this week. which means that i'll be ironing last week's washing this week, again. i almost couldn't bring myself to put on any of the shirts i'd ironed last night.

but it's not such a down monday la. i had milo with the turtle last night at al-amein so i'm quite pleased. thank God he didn't crash the car, although he was rather late in coming. i had to resist the urge to sms him to ask "YOUR CAR STALL AH??"

in other news, i don't think aunty patsy's going to cook me dinner anytime soon as mr quentin lee is still jobless. but at least that leaves him time to eat ice cream with me.

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