Thursday 12 April 2007

yesterday, i got my first inedible gift from jon (does the photocopy of my equity assignment count?). it was quite sweet, really. you see, i told myself that everytime we go out i HAVE to bring tissue paper because it's the girl thing to do (he'll never be one of those guys who bring tissue paper out) but somehow, yesterday, i couldn't really be bothered to do so even though we'd planned to meet for dinner after lcs.

actually, i'm one of those persons who has to wipe their mouths after a meal. maybe that's more of a girl thing? but anyhow i had no tissue paper - and i didn't want to buy a packet. dude, i walk two bus stops to save twenty-two cents on bus fare, would i buy a thirty cent packet of tissue paper when each packet only cost the drink stall uncle about two cents?

yes alright, he bought me tissue paper. i'm going to keep the wrapper. do check back with me in ten years to see whether i still have it.

i wore my new court shoes for the first time yesterday, and i now have two very big blisters even though i wore BOTH stockings AND plasters. i walked home barefooted from the bus stop last night because i simply couldn't take it anymore.

which led me to wonder why we put ourselves through so much torture. think about it, we only dress smartly for work because everyone else does. so if we all pakated together to wear jeans, t-shirts and flip-flops, we'd all feel comfy and there's a high chance productivity would increase!

but then, i figured that high heels (pretty high heels, rather) are probably the main reason why so many women drive to work. don't think i'll ever be wearing high heels though, pretty or not. my new court shoes are actually flats - if i can't even not get blisters wearing flats, i don't think i want to see the state of my feet if i wear anything higher. plus driving is expensive and it makes your bum bigger cause you walk less.

anyway, i came up with this theory - i tried vainly to tell jon about it on the bus home last night but he carried on sleeping, so i shall share it in this public domain. if wearing flip-flops becomes the norm, women will stop driving to work - which is good for the environment, but bad for the owners of carparks in the cbd. and bad for car dealers, bad for the government (less coe) - ultimately it'd be bad for the economy. and the price of havianas would increase AGAIN. so maybe having to dress formally isn't such a bad thing after all.

on another note, i know i'm going to sound very swaku saying this but after jon pointed out last night that money is just money i'm seriously thinking of getting the funshine junk food t-shirt even though it's $45 and it's hardly justified. or is it? we'll see :)

and because i think i shouldn't have a post where almost everything is - oh i talked to jon today etc. cause it's really gay, i enjoyed my pre-negotiation negotiation with shah, qijing and valerie at coffee club - it's nice to act lawyerly, especially with people who can talk cock. and thanks to rui for introducing me to the joys of florida natural sweets, although they're really expensive so i don't think i'm going to buy them very often.

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