Saturday 10 March 2007

in about five minutes i have to go hang up clothes because my grandmother says they'll get too crumpled if i leave them in the washing machine much longer, they'll start drying out. but i have to share a nice thing which happened this week:

(from jon's mum. which made it even nicer.)

enoch, eat your heart out in canada. krispy kremes will never compare to hiong peng. AND YOU KNOW IT.

i suddenly remembered this song, i first heard it when eugene sang it for offering a couple of years back.

today i watched in silence as people passed me by,
and i strained to see if there was something hidden in their eyes;
but they all looked at me as if to say
life just goes on.

the old familiar story told in different ways,
make the most of your own journey from the cradle to the grave;
dream your dreams tomorrow because today
life must go on.

but there’s more to this life than living and dying,
more than just trying to make it through the day;
more to this life, more than these eyes alone can see,
and there’s more than this life alone can be.

tonight he lies in silence staring into space,
and looks for ways to make tomorrow better than today,
but in the morning light it looks the same;
life just goes on.

he takes care of his family, he takes care of his work,
and every Sunday morning he takes his place at the church;
and somehow he still feels a need to search,
but life just goes on.

so where do we start to find every part
of what makes this life complete;
if we turn our eyes to Jesus we’ll find
life’s true beginning is there at the cross where He died.
He died to bring us -

more to this life than living and dying,
more than just trying to make it through the day;
more to this life, more than these eyes alone can see,
and there’s more than this life alone can be.

actually. to be honest, i thought of the song because i was reading a rather ranty post on a friend's blog. ranty posts, in fact, on the blogs of friends. this song's for you... Jesus or not, there really is more to this life than living and dying, don't forget that. the semester's almost over, here's to more lunches and talks after lectures about nothing at all, before we'll be free for three months at least. it's really not so bad -

which brings me to thursday, even though i really ought to get the slowly crumpling clothes out of the washing machine. thursday was a perfect school day. i almost didn't want to go to school but then i remembered that thursday's the day i almost always somehow end up with yalan, having these semi-emo expositions on love and life and i really thank her for listening to what i have to say even though i think some of it is just totally strange and weird and i'm just. weird. but no, they aren't emo - i think it's really just a lot of what i've learnt over the years, how i've just come to love God so much more. and tris turned up with highlights in his hair. i take very long to get used to new hair, on guys especially, and he's right - by the time i get used to it it'll have grown out. still, it looks very... artsy.

we had lunch, and yalan and i gave up doing our equity tutorials together and just talked, enjoyed the sunshine and the greenery, with tris and rui. and it was lovely, being able to just say heck it to your constructive trusts tutorial (if people didn't get divorced, we'd all have one less confusing equity concept to think about - all the constructive trust cases so far appear to be on divorcing or adulterous couples) which we probably won't be able to do for client's memos when we grow up.

(it's so nice to say, "when we grow up," as though we haven't already grown up, really. but we haven't.)

say heck it to tutorials and risk incurring the wrath of your tutor and just talk, enjoy each other, grasp these last few precious lunchtimes before the semester ends and exchange next academic year and our class just won't be the same. kyle coming to our table with a sardine curry puff - they sell sardine curry puffs in the canteen now i'm going to try one next week! yonghong started playing the guitar about twenty minutes or so before we all had to leave for tutorial, and it really reminded me of jon and quen in jc, how we used to sit in the void deck and do all these things, talk cock, sing, play the guitar - and i'll always remember jon in e flat major at the bleachers one grey day.

which brings me to one last thing before i really have to go. i met jon's (ong) mum in the supermarket yesterday, and forgive me for posting this jon (i'll buy you a drink during lunch on sunday like i'll ask the waitress for ICED WATER ok) but she said:

"aiya. this jon ah. so spoilt."

to which i said, "just get rid of the maid! then jon will have to learn to do housework!"

and he'll die, really, i know it and so does he.

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