Sunday 11 February 2007

i suppose you don't truly see your jc friends for who they are until after jc. two years in blue and white, jacking each other in the void deck, countless cups of ribena and packets of hello panda - that's jc friendship for you; for that sort of friendship to truly grow you've really gotta make a conscious effort to meet up and stay involved in their lives.


just like how i only recently realised tim had a fascination for clothes (hurhur) i realised today that bryan has a fascination for cars. zhnging them, test driving them, whatever. which i really don't get. i suppose it's because i'm a girl? but honestly. . . i don't see the big deal about cars.

but it was a good day. i'm glad i met him today, because we discovered that we're in the same boat - again - just like in jc, and we understand.

on a lighter note, my silly friend enoch went skiing and he really cannot make it and since he decided to make this sad state of affairs known to the world i have no qualms putting the video on my blog.


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