Thursday 22 February 2007

i just got internet in my room - the mio thing - and i'm not sure it's such a good thing after all because i HAVE to start writing substantively but i'm feeling so happy that i just have to blog. haha.

i went for breakfast this morning with the guys at bukit timah market. there SHOULD be photos but quen has no card reader and he can't find his camera cable so. . . until he does these words will have to suffice.

i'm just happy la. jon says i'm like glowy and they keep going on about how i'm in love and the sun's shining everyday and i'm like. . . dudes, the sun IS shining everyday. hello, we stay in singapore remember? and i realised i'm so totally in love with both of them too, like when quen made this absolutely random comment about how today was a special day because jon HARDLY EVER goes to hawker centres because they're crowded and dirty and i realised that it was really true, he's the air-con orchard road boy. or when jon makes his jaded jon comments about love, when he tells me that i'll never be able to sing pop songs because i'm a choir girl. when we both jack quen about his not ORDing until april when practically everyone else in our batch is pinkic-ed already. listening to jon go on forever about how he doesn't need to go out already because he bought some jazz guitar book yesterday, and he's subscribed to this online programme where they teach him how to play the flute.

or when both of them just went on and on and on about how i was in love and glowing. . . okay i'll stop.

but that's not really why i'm so happy.

i'm very proud of both of them. honestly, i never thought they'd actually start growing up (until uni?) but they have. showing strength of character by committing to long distance relationships, seeing the world in other colours besides red blue and gold - i felt a bit ashamed because in some ways they really have grown up faster than i have and i didn't even realise and appreciate them for it. you know how girls always feel they're the superior species, how they've grown up faster than the guys, matured faster spiritually - but it's all nonsense la.

alright enough of this glowy moonbeams and butterflies and sunshine thing. cmi cmi cmi!!11!!!

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