Saturday 24 February 2007

because i had approximately three hours of sleep (i think it was nearer two) i decided to make myself a cup of milo for energy - no caffeine!!! - and i made it from scratch because the 3-in-1 version, no matter that it tastes really good, is chock full of sugar. which led me to decide that from now on, every saturday, i shall try to make it a point to bait my father, simply because it's just too funny.

apparently, last saturday, the following conversation transpired between my parents. . .
father: so what shall i do for lukas' birthday, anything special, seeing as i'm his only father?
mother: of course you're his only father. saying 'only father' is redundant.

i mean duh right. one son only has one father as such, bar stepfathers.

but i think my conversations with him are the best.

me: daddy!! i don't want to drink my milo, it's lumpy!! (such are the perils of making milo from scratch. somehow there are all these little browny-white lumps. and i hate the taste of milk, i've got to find a good ratio)
father: take off your glasses and drink lor. that way you won't be able to see the lumps. that's what i do. . . if you can't see it, it isn't there.


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