Sunday 21 January 2007

public law, in particular, is full of questions that don't have black and white answers. the answers are really just - grey. there's no other way to describe them. and of course, the tutors love asking us these questions. i've noticed that whenever someone answers they invariably begin with "well, thats only true/false/whatever to a certain extent." and the tutors (well mine does, anyhow) will invariably say "that's SUCH a lawyer answer."

i used to think love was a choice. to a greater than lesser extent. of course, that might still be true - there's no real answer to what love is, is there? but if love really is a choice, and i know what i've chosen to do, then why do i wake up some days and find that i still love you?

perhaps it's the grey evening - i love grey, if you haven't already realised. slate grey, blue-grey - or it's the fact that i went out with my jc classmates on friday to say farewell to jon (another one), and later i'm going to jon's (the one below) house to talk cock with him and quen. i hope we actually make it there.

bryan, bless his heart, firmly believes that mr right is going to whisk me down the aisle before he whisks miss right down the aisle; he said on friday on the way to suntec (we were rather unfortunately stuck in a traffic jam) that he's therefore going to be laughing his head off at my wedding. and he's also going to tell whoever i'm going to marry, at my wedding, "all the best, good luck! i hope you know what you're getting yourself into!" because for the first time in the history of our friendship i won't be able to pinch him after he's insulted me. must look demure in your wedding gown right. and very unglam and unladylike to pinch people.

we'll see, bryan. about both things haha.

seeing jon was nice because he hasn't changed one bit from jc. we had a record number of people this time, more than half of us came - and the next class outing xian jie wants to watch lions cup - or whatever it's called, i really don't know! the suntec marche has closed down by the way. don't believe retarded ex-classmates who tell you to meet there.

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