Monday 15 January 2007

i didn't want to blog until i transferred photos over from my computer (read: oh wonderful co-leader, that was going to be done just for you haha) but i think this is too funny to go unblogged - i have no idea when i'll have the time to actually put up my cambodia pics etc, which i must do before xiaoming goes over and totally owns my photos.

i'm just reading some stuff now and i came across this article - democracy vs efficiency. this is how it ends:

let the sun of knowledge rise. let the people see the truth with their own eyes and hear the warbling of the bird of freedom with their own ears. the future belongs to the people. let the light come in. let the truth be manifest.

i think it was written by an iranian - so the cheesiness of the words is probably due to a rather terrible translation of some phrase that's actually very meaningful and not cheesy at all. but cheesy or not, there is a measure of truth in them and funny as it sounds, many people in the world today do need the truth to be manifest.

on another note here's something truly funny. last night my dad declared during dinner that we had too much champagne/wine in the fridge - leftover from eons and eons and eons ago - so we were going to start drinking it up: cf the post before, about creating storage space in the fridge. last night we had some champange that wasn't fizzy anymore, and it left a too-acidic aftertaste but it was alright. funny thing is, the entire family started trying to do that rub the top of wine glasses and produce notes thing. now everyone can do it EXCEPT ME. my brother's the best at it though. we think it's because of his fat fingers haha. he really got quite good at it in one night, i think he should seriously consider playing songs and all!

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