Sunday 10 May 2020

#wfhdiaries Days 24-27

It has been a while since we’ve done any activity that required either Jon or me (usually me) to be the designated driver (“Designated Driver”). Not that we undertook many activities that required a Designated Driver before all this circuit breaking took place, especially after the boys came along. Jon used to say that he could probably still drive better than me even after he’d had a few drinks, not that this theory was or ever will be tested. It wasn’t that long ago I was sitting in the bowels of the TP building, signing minutes. The fate of a man, the power of a pen, and all that.

But far more important and enduring than the Designated Driver is the designated dishwasher (“Designated Dishwasher") (surprise, also me!). So imagine my consternation when Andrew sidled up and had the gall to solemnly inform me that I had to wash dishes like Papa, you know?, as he rubbed the palms of his hands together in imitation of Jon’s dishwashing. I suppose it has increased 100% compared to pre-circuit breaking days (1 to 2 represents a 100% increase), but the fact remains that as the Designated Dishwasher, even if I wash my hands off the dishes, I will still be washing my hands off the dishes. Instead, my nod to the customary Mother’s Day household chore concession was to only mop 2/3 of the house. Not that the last 1/3 mopped itself as part of the customary Mother’s Day do-goodery by one’s husband and children.

This past week, mothers all around Singapore were given the privilege of making a Mother’s Day craft with their child as part of HBL. Daniel, of course, interpreted Mother’s Day craft to mean that his mother should be the one assisting him in its creation, despite my pointing out to him that what this really meant was that his father should be doing so. But I got my own back when Teacher P asked what have we planned to do for mummy for Mother’s Day this weekend? by gleefully informing the assembled six and almost-six year olds and their accompanying parents (almost all fathers) that whatever we were doing, it would involve A L C O H O L. I kid, I kid, though I’ve probably had more cocktails in the past 3 weeks than in the past six years, thanks to delivery services and the fact that there is no need for a Designated Driver.

Teacher P replied Chloe, I thought Daniel was supposed to be making the flowers?  

I slunk off, properly chastened. But once the Zoom meeting ended, I finished the craft. Might as well make it pretty.

This morning, I got to enjoy almost 3 hours ALONE with a run and my favourite ice lemon tea because everyone else slept in (Jon splurged on aircon). Not a bad start to Mother’s Day at all.


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