Saturday 3 November 2007

teh-c-kosong dai zou and khong guan sultana biscuits
yesterday evening i was on the bus on the way to melanie's house when i felt something moving on my wrist. it was a thin, green caterpillar. i shook him (her? it, then) off onto the seat next to me, and proceeded to watch it move around helplessly trying to search for a way off the seat and back to its grassy abode, i suppose. it was fascinating, the way it moved, arching itself; although i'm rather fearful of such moving creatures because they're so small and they move so quickly - who knows where they'll crawl to - i felt its desperation. kinda reminded me of how we are before God rescues us.

so i took out an old receipt from my wallet, held it next to the caterpillar so it would crawl onto it, prayed like anything that it wouldn't crawl back onto my hand, and i managed to take it successfully out of the bus on the receipt and i set it free on the grass next to melanie's bus stop.

remember those $1.99 shop pink and blue slippers which everyone seemed to be wearing when we were in secondary school, and those "trail" ones with the thick black straps in various neon colours? you exchanged a side with your friend if you could, so you could look cooler and appear popular and "tight" with someone else.

that was quite important, wasn't it, in those days? how we used to cling so tightly to that sort of thing, trying so hard to manifest the security of friendships in pieces of foam.

they were usually adorned with words and flowers or hearts or any manner of cutesy girl things in fabric paint, glittery or not. they were really quite ugly though. and the $1.99 shop doesn't even exist anymore.

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