Wednesday 28 November 2007

if i had a pet duck
i would name him dworkin, and his full name would be dworkin ronald the duck. i don't think i can call him ronald dworkin the duck, because you need the alliteration to come from the first name. he'd be dworky for short.

now don't you think dworkin's just such a nice name for a duck? not that i've anything against him - or his theory of adjudication - as such, but this morning i was sitting up in bed reading hart's reply to him and i felt quite sorry for hart (they're both legal philosophers). dworkin's entire theory (i believe) was premised on the idea that he didn't think hart's theory quite cut it. dworkin was hart's student, if i'm not wrong, and lord seow was asking me last night (and i agree): how could he be such a traitor?

oh well. life happens, i guess.

i spent this morning sitting propped up as i am now, leaning against the wall on my pillow, lenny on my lap. the pillowcase is currently a rather lurid orange with bright green flowers - done tastefully of course, which i quite like. after thirteen or so years with pale pink bedsheets it was refreshing when mummy brought home these orange ones.

so here i was, not quite wanting to go through my jurisprudence materials anymore even though the concepts were floating around in my head waiting to be re-grounded in arguments i believe i formulated just the afternoon before. floating around and having a good time playing tag, and ice and melt.

despite that, i decided i'd play solitaire until i won a game - it's quite hard to do so, you never know what kinda hand you're gonna be dealt - and when i won a game (took about three tries) i decided to try this game called purble place. i think it comes with windows vista, and i should have realised from the fact that it was rated family friendly (and free) that it'd be extremely boring. i was sort of hoping it'd be like darby the dragon, one of the better kid's games i've played - about darby the dragon, duh. oh and now you see why the alliteration must come from the first name? just sounds cooler. i spent about twenty minutes "baking cakes," i.e. just choosing the correct colour of cake and frosting, and shape of cake tin and correct shape to place on top of the cake, among other things.

however, i also decided after having been told that i baked five out of five cakes correctly (what would have happened if i hadn't? maybe i should try) that i would just read my bible and pray and hum hymns to myself.

quite a restful morning, don't you think? and i'm usually quite restless before exams. i don't know, maybe evidence totally wiped me out. but to put it simply, i was pretty chillax - which i'm thankful for.

last night before going to sleep i spent about five minutes looking at the picture of jon and me, on my desktop. five minutes, because i think that's the period of inactivity after which lenny's programmed to go sleep. and it was one of those times of clarity and restfulness, of peace, which have proved less elusive than i thought, with respect to him. you never quite know how things will turn out when you're apart, no matter that we were sure it was gonna be okay, before he left.

but God's been good to him, to me, to us. it's the same restfulness which comes when you see middle-aged couples walking around the neighbourhood - which i saw during my recent moon walks - not quite talking but just being together. rather older than when they first begun, but not quite disillusioned, i'd like to think: with each other, anyway. older and wiser with respect to each other, now there's a better word. and still together - now there's true wisdom for you, and it's not disillusionment so i hope you'll refrain from calling it that when you get to that age.

restfulness, and i think a sort of simple wonderment, like when you see new grandparents, tiny fingers curled around one finger, why are babies so wont to grab things when you hold them out to them? it's not wonder like the awe-inspiring kind but an Everyday sort of wonder. sometimes i wonder how it'd be if jon died before i did - when we're old and we've lived life well, together. but that's too far in the future, and God willing, we'll know when we get there. i suppose it's quite nice, when all you want to do, is grow old with somebody.

anyway wah lau so soppy hor. my mother is currently watching the search for the next pussy cat doll, and i am going to read my chinese notes - or rather, the slides which i spoke of a few posts ago.

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