i never gave much thought before, to how it must be like to be Married to my father.
he's an Ordinary guy: civil servant; constantly complaining about his job (which civil servant doesn't, you tell me?). still, i'm quite sure he secretly enjoys it because it gives him the flexibility, not to mention the funding, to carry out his crackpot schemes. of course, there's only one person who thinks his schemes are crackpot. although i'm beginning to realise that my father is fighting Time, which is gradually beginning to leave him behind. and it's strange because he embraces some aspects of change whole-heartedly (read: amazon.com) and obstinately rejects others, driving us to extreme exasperation.
i used to Think that this other one person was rather unreasonable: didn't quite know how to relax, couldn't see things from my father's perspective, gave him an earful too often, always thought he had crackpot schemes. and i became afraid that i'd become exactly like that when i got married, in the future. naggy, constantly annoyed.
but i've come to see things from Her perspective, especially in the past three weeks, and i've come to realise that i shouldn't be afraid to become like her because she's not really a cannot-chillax person, neither is she genuinely bad-tempered and impatient.
of course, she's not Everything that i want to be, but i don't think i know anyone who wants to be exactly like their parents. more like we're the sum of our parents, the product of our upbringing, the whole of ourselves.
thanks for everything, mummy. for loving daddy Regardless of the fact that he's a Class A Dinosaur - the worst kind, one of those who refused to leave the island even when the volcano began erupting (or however they died) - and messy, to boot.
happy belated father's day, to both of you. :)
i've got to find a way to tell my dad not to take her for granted: Married (to you), Ordinary, (but) Think Her Everything Regardless.
descartes: i think, therefore i am. mother: i nag, therefore i care.